Everest -Financial Technologies Elevating Humanity

Dari 7+ milyar orang di Bumi, lebih dari 1,1 milyar masih kekurangan bentuk identitas hukum apa pun, 1,5 miliar tidak dapat membuktikan identitas mereka, hampir 1,7 miliar tanpa rekening bank, dan 5 miliar tidak memiliki smartphone atau akses ke dompet digital.

Verifikasi identitas adalah hambatan untuk pertumbuhan di pasar negara berkembang karena hal itu menghalangi orang-orang dari mengakses layanan ekonomi formal, seperti perbankan, asuransi, dan pinjaman. Pada akhirnya, ini secara signifikan membatasi jumlah orang yang dapat mengakses ekonomi, dan dengan demikian menghambat pembangunan ekonomi di tingkat kelembagaan. Tanpa identitas yang dapat diverifikasi, pertukaran ekonomi dan penyimpanan nilai menjadi sangat sulit.

Karena ekonomi mainstream terus mendigitalkan, itu tidak akan hanya menjadi ‘tidak memiliki rekening bank’ dan ‘tidak diverifikasi’ yang berjuang untuk bergabung dengan sistem ekonomi. Perangkat bebas, secara universal dapat diakses, identitas digital memberikan kesempatan bagi seluruh dunia untuk bergabung dengan ekonomi global.


Layanan keuangan dasar saat ini tidak tersedia untuk lebih dari setengah populasi dunia. Platform Everest memberdayakan institusi untuk mentransfer nilai secara aman, transparan, dan diverifikasi kepada semua orang dengan atau tanpa perangkat. Pengguna dapat melindungi privasi mereka dan meningkatkan diri mereka ke dalam ekonomi digital.

Apa Itu Everest ?

Everest adalah platform terdesentralisasi yang memungkinkan dan mendemokrasikan perkembangan ekonomi di pasar negara berkembang dan perbatasan. Dibangun di atas dua blockchain dengan penyimpanan terdistribusi dan kontrak pintar, Everest menggabungkan dompet cloud biometrik dengan solusi pembayaran + identitas digital terintegrasi. Ideal untuk bank, pemerintah, bisnis, rumah sakit, perusahaan asuransi, LSM dan pengguna individu untuk bertukar nilai: memberdayakan semua 7+ miliar manusia untuk bergabung dengan ekonomi digital abad ke-21.

Platform Everest dibangun dan diujicobakan oleh beberapa bank terbesar, pemerintah, penyedia layanan keuangan, dan LSM di planet ini. Tiga solusi yang saling melengkapi dan saling terkait memungkinkan organisasi besar untuk secara menguntungkan menjangkau miliaran orang yang tidak memiliki rekening bank, mengurangi penipuan dan kebocoran, dan memverifikasi dana dikirimkan ke orang yang tepat, memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengirimkan dana dari mana saja di dunia:

1. EverWallet, dompet digital yang memungkinkan penyimpanan berbagai mata uang, data identitas dan dokumen.

2. EverChain, rantai transaksi 2 transaksi yang sangat skalabel dan hemat biaya yang memungkinkan transfer nilai antar pihak.

3. EverID, platform identitas digital bebas perangkat, EverID sedang menyelesaikan krisis identitas global dengan memungkinkan siapa pun untuk membuktikan identitasnya.

Platform ini tersedia untuk semua manusia sejak lahir sampai mati. Tidak memerlukan perangkat seluler untuk bergabung, dienkripsi untuk melindungi privasi pengguna, dan dapat dioperasikan dengan sistem lain.

Kasus Penggunaan Everest

  • Cash Transfer

100% validasi uang yang dikirim ke pengguna yang diverifikasi secara biometrik

  • Remittance

Cara mudah dan hemat biaya bagi bank untuk menawarkan layanan transfer uang

  • Micro-finance

Solusi penuh untuk meminjamkan uang kepada miliaran orang dan UKM

  • ID verification

Verifikasi pengguna melalui biometrik, ID pemerintah, dan pengesahan pihak ketiga

  • Medical records

Kelola dokumen yang dihosting di cloud atau perangkat, lacak perawatan kesehatan untuk semua

  • Land

Gabungkan judul, koordinat GPS, dan identitas ke bank dan amankan lahan

  • Micro-insurance

Kumpulkan dokumen, menandatangani kontrak biometrik untuk melayani miliaran pengguna dengan atau tanpa perangkat

Nilai Unik

Everest adalah satu-satunya platform verifikasi menyeluruh universal di dunia yang juga memungkinkan transfer nilai. Penggunaan bebas perangkat membuatnya benar-benar inklusif dan pengguna mempertahankan total kepemilikan data mereka.

Prinsip-prinsip Everest:

  • Semua individu dapat dimasukkan tanpa perangkat pintar.
  • Individu akan memiliki dan mengendalikan informasi mereka.
  • Semua informasi akan dibagikan secara selektif dan tahan terhadap serangan.

Business Model and Token Economics

• Institusi / pengirim membeli token ID untuk mengakses jaringan

• Lembaga membayar untuk berbagai aplikasi dalam USD. Everestmengonversi USD menjadi mata uang CRDT untuk mendorong ekosistem

• Setiap transaksi membawa kontrak-pintar untuk memberikan% dari keuntungan kepada Pengguna

Informasi Token 

ID adalah token utilitas yang memungkinkan akses ke platform Everestserta aplikasi dan layanan yang dibuat di EverChain, EverWallet, dan EverID.

800 juta token yang dikeluarkan akan dibeli oleh bank, pemerintah, LSM, organisasi besar, dan pengguna (yaitu pengirim pengiriman uang) yang ingin mengakses jaringan Everest.

Lembaga diberi berbagai tingkat akses ke platform berdasarkan berapa banyak token yang mereka pegang ketika pengguna tidak akan diminta untuk memegang token untuk menerima nilai.

Target: $20M

Pre-sale: September 2018

Alokasi Token

Alokasi Dana 


Untuk dapat menemukan informasi lebih lanjut tentang Transcodium kunjungi link di bawah ini :

Website: https://everest.org/

Whitepaper: https://everest.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Everest_Whitepaper_01Sept2018-v2.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/Everestdotorg

Twitter: https://twitter.com/everestdotorg

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Everestdotorg

Written By : Nurfi

Bitcointalkprofile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1926473

Orbis ICO Review

We come with a fast, easy and free concept of financial transactions, investment and marketing services bringing out User Friendly services through intelligent marketing, using Artificial Intelligence, virtual reality in all social classes.

What is Orbis Project?

OrbisSolutions in offering solutions to problem in the cryptocurrency world and all social classes.We are aiming to bring a fast, cheap and safe reach to your assets (fiat money and cryptocurrency) with mobile aplications / desktop platform and unique Futuristic Self-Service Branches all over the world:
Our team’s vision is creating a new worldwide financial branches, based on blockchain decentralized technology. Orbis Company will provide innovative transfer, payment and investment services using cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. This technology combined with mobile and computer software, will give mankind the opportunity to make No fee money transfers, investments and payments using our self-service cash-machines, as well as personal smartphones and computers with internet access. Our Wallet will be built in your browser so it will be no need to download heavy softwares to use our services. Orbis worldwide branches will have self-service ATM machines and Artificial Intelligence chat robots at our customers service 24/7. The team is developing an unique Blockchain , Artificial Intelligence , Virtual reality, app/desktop software in order to create the New Financial Intitution Generation by descentralizing the current banking concept.
Being able to trade cryptocurrencies between ordinary, everyday users will require a significant rethinking of what services a cryptocurrency provides.
The ORBIS system can provide this on a 24-hour basis, either online or in-person at an ORBIS branch. This will allow everyone to access the
benefits that cryptocurrencies provide them, including low transaction costs, no-limit transactions, fast payment, and the removal of geopolitical barriers to payment. Approximately 4 million people are using cryptocurrencies on a daily basis, with that number growing every day and expected to exceed 300 million by the year 2030. Satisfying this market is quite possibly the largest financial opportunity in the last several decades.The ORBIS system aims to be the best to do just this.

Orbis Blockchain:

We provide our customers with tools that allow the generational leap to a safer Blockchain 5.0, able to create synergies among cryptocurrencies and to adapt to their specific needs, splitting and rejoining itself , allowing for a neater and faster data flux, which can manage the assets in a complex structured universe via Orbis Coins.

Orbis Transfer:

Orbis Solutions has big plans for launching physical branches all over the world. Our branches will be equipped with self-service ATM machines and AI-based Virtual Assistance. Orbis branches will provide all sorts of financial services that include payment, transfer, withdrawal, deposit and investment services.
Orbis financial branches being an automated and descentralized business will not have workers in order to avoid human error and fraud possibility, in this case our clients will be served and helped by Artificial Intelligence Virtual Chat Robots and Holograms.
None of our clients will feel the frustration of transaction fees, wasted time and bad customer services.
Digital payments are growing by leaps and bounds, and that is what we are using for our working model. A universal innovative transaction service involving both fiat and cryptocurrencies has been quite non-existent to date so we have found the way of filling this void by introducing Orbis Money Transfer and Investment Project.

Token and ICO Details:

Token Allocation:


Contactless Payments 2.0 is here and it’s Decentralized-ely Innovative.

When apple pay, and Samsung pay first dropped everybody saw the potential. This technology gave people the power to purchase items with just a tap. Sidera wants to do something similar but with a twist. See centralized digital wallets like Apple Pay and Samsung Pay have a lot of shortcomings. Issues like security, geographical restrictions and system outages are some of them but Sidera has an answer for each one.Let’s dive in shall we:

Sidera’s Fix for: System Interruptions.

Since all the data that exists on the user’s wallet is kept inside servers or on the cloud there’s always the possibility that because of issues with network connectivity, scheduled or unscheduled maintenance the system will fail or go offline.This means transactions will be super slow or payments may not work at all. Sidera is using a proprietary form of cold storage technology to ensure all your coins/tokens are offline and won’t need to be synced to and from a centralized location, all the funds can be sent or received conveniently using a crypto address which is generated into a QR code. This means there’s no possibility for system outages.

Sidera’s Fix for: Geographical Barriers.

One other major shortcoming of centralized digital wallets is their level of geographical restriction. Picture this as an example – as of this post samsung pay was only available in the UK, US, Australia, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, China, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and Vietnam. That’s only a subset of the international market.It makes sense though because before they can move into a new market they need to account for all the financial regulations within that country as well as account for all the currency imbalances.Sidera user’s need not worry about this ever happening to them, because all the transactions occur on a peer to peer (should i say wrist to wrist transactions) level. There is also no need to adhere to centralized based regulations because all the values of cryptos tend to be constant in different markets, this means real-world applications for Sidera’s ecosystem won’t be confined to just a few suitable markets. It can serve a global audience with ease.


Sidera’s Fix for: Potential Data Breaches.

Centralized digital wallets have a lot going for them, they have everything but security. Every time you use a smartwatch the merchants or parent company tracks and records significant amounts of data they can profiteer later. Data such as shopping habits, browser history, average spend, and other credit/financial information is gold for these data companies. The company with the most data will almost always have an edge over its competitors. It makes sense for them but it’s bad for you.Criminals know robbing a bank would set them up for life, which is why banks invest so much into their security even though everything is insured: Armoured vehicles, armed security, specific protocols! All this to ensure the money is transported from one location to the other. We don’t have this kind of protocol to guard our data. So hypothetically is someone hacked his way into these storage locations. Trouble. Sidera knows you don’t need a middleman to facilitate seamless transactions, it knows that by placing the right technology in the hands of its users through its decentralized wearable devices they can and will do the rest.But just in case the companied has put in all the right security measures to ensure all its user data and assets are safe. By all i mean, encrypted layered technologies, a ghost mode, military grade AES-2048 protocols, biometric security and a zk-SNARK technology that allows all transactions to be encrypted but still able to be processed by the networks consensus.


Sidera has a lot going for it, other than the POS, the company also has continuum, which is an amazing digital asset exchange that’s launching in early 2019. The continuum will be completely based off your Smartbit device. How cool is that. If there was a time to invest, then that time is now.


Participating in Sidera’s upcoming ICO.

With a solid team in place, great partners like nexqo, inscoin & RightsCommerce, tonnes of research conducted and a Smartbit prototype already developed and ready for consumers, Sidera is looking to raise $1,500,000 for its soft cap target and $15,000,000 for its hard cap and with a total supply of 51,000,000, everything is ready for the distribution date of 1st September 2018.*Do note that interested buyers need to invest at least $100 (that’s 50 eQUOS) to participate in the campaign. If this goal isn’t reached by 30th September 2018 which is the scheduled completion date, all the funds will be refunded.

How the 51,000,000 tokens will be allocated.

72% (36,720,000) of the funds will be allocated to the donors, or the people that invest their time or resources into Sidera, 15% (7,650,000) will be set aside for the founding team, the other 6% (3,060,000 will be given to the collaborators. The remaining 7% will allocated to the reserve program (4%) and the last 3% (1,530,000 tokens) to the advisory team and strategic partners.


Additional Resources.

Sidera will be giving away 1% of all the funds it collects to charity, it will also register .bitcoin .btc and .blockchain domain extensions to give back to the blockchain community. To find out this and other ways the company will changing the game feel free to check out the links provided below:Check out the company’s main site here: https://Sidera.io
If you’re a reader – you can peruse the Sidera’s official 54-page whitepaperhereIt’s 2018, everyone is on social, Sidera is too! and the best part is – participating in their bounty program will earn you some eQUOS, and all you need to do is like and share the company’s posts. Same goes for Twitter, LinkedIn, Telegram and Reddit. Here are the links to their social profiles if you’re interested:Follow on Twitter
Share on Facebook
Connect on LinkedIn
Add on Telegram
Participate on Reddit
For more information regarding the bounty program. Check out Sidera:OnMediumandOn bitcointalk

Keep Tabs On Me Daily articles on cryptocurrency and blockchain based projects.

BitcoinTalk profiles  : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1926473

Eth Address : 0x683c5B0d35e28D3e4938c815C8f476D7d38e5B2a

AsobiCoin – The world’s first Distributed Secondary Content Platform


This is the first platform where second items are distributed and it has 3 partner company in the world where 1 is located is in japan with most number of employees and its capital is nearly 4.8 million, Second one is located in China Shanghai Xiaoyou network technology with only 80 employees and capital is about 10 million and 3rd partner is quantum Games Inc. located in Taiwan which is 10 employees and 13 million dollar is its capital. Well ASOBI has total number of 600 employees all in total. It has won 2 awards which are top developer Award and grand prix division Award.


Well people buy items online which are digital and later after use they can’t sell them so ASOBI has made great opportunity for the users who are not using the items anymore can sell them on ASOBI online. Items like E books, music, games items like weapons and skin or dress etc. these items people can sell and convert into crypto currency.

Well digital items can be copied very easily and users will face fraudulent so how to manage this problem where users can trade easily, for this problem the solution was Decentralized security system which will give the users irrefutable proof of content ownership where no other user or hackers can copy or cause fraudulent this will give the user the ownership to its particular item.


Katsunori Kondo he is the Co founder and CEO of the ASOBI coin and he has graduated from Kobe university and he is also an entrepreneur.

Yuusuke Haibara he is also the CO founder and Chief financial officer and was in charge of business development and he is worked for international sales and department launch.

Hidemi oshimo he is also the co-founder and Chief information officer of ASOBI and he has 15 years of experience on electronics and also handled mobile related company.

Jonggu Na he is the also the Co- founder and Chief operating officer of ASOBI and he also has 15 years of experience about e commerce and he has worked for mobile games and also worked for DeNA.

Masaya Murai is also the Co founder and Chief marketing officer at ASOBI, he has worked for mobile related company and he is incharge of marketing in ASOBI.

Sean Katsu is also the co founder and chief Compliance officer at ASOBI, he has worked as sales manager and also worked for Yahoo In japan.

ASobi is really good platform which is latest block chain economic platform for selling used items online in minimal cost and converting them to crypto currency. And DSS provide a safe trading and provide a proof of ownership, users can sell game items and E books and music which are not needed and ASOBI market has their own license which makes it possible to resell items. There is ASOBI wallet and users can sell these items at ASOBI wallet and the money will be transferred to ASOBI wallet and users can purchase again with those amount from ASOBI App, Users can sell items and gain ASOBI coins and later purchase items online using ASOBI coins

To contribute and know more about the project you may visit some of the following Links:

• Website: https://asobimo.io/en/
• Whitepaper: https://asobimo.io/pdf/white_paper_en.pdf
• Bitcointalk Ann Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4884216
• Telegram: https://t.me/AsobiCoin_Official
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/AsobiCoin
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Asobi-Coin-130436194467568/

Image source: 1 , 2,

BTT Username: Nurfi
BTT URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1926473

ETH Address :  0x683c5B0d35e28D3e4938c815C8f476D7d38e5B2a


DealJoy provides all and sundry an opportunity to earn crypto by shopping online. DealJoy connects online shoppers with their favorite merchants (sellers) to provide a crypto cashback system.

Affiliate shopping network has been in existence for a while now, bit affiliates are paid using traditional methods. These payment methods are expensive and require the affiliates giving up some really private details. Also, much time is required before commissions are paid. Some of the traditional methods of payment include bank transfer, paper checks, and PayPal. These payment methods require fees thereby reducing the final amount of commission received by users. Also, the privacy of users is usually not respected. Most often than not, the affiliate industry is always accused of unethically handling confidential data just so they can increase their revenues.
Another problem encountered by users is the delay between the time goods are purchased and when the commission is received. Existing affiliate platforms sometimes take up to 3 months before paying out commissions to their affiliates.
A consumer report done by RetailMeNot Inc showed that 50% of affiliates found cashback offers challenging to redeem. This goes a long way to show that consumers want faster payouts, more convenient cashback platforms and modern payment methods. And this is what DealJoy emboldens aims to provide.

DealJoy, therefore, came up with the solution through the creation of DealJoy Platform, which enables users to receive their cashback commissions in DealJoy Ethereum compatible tokens (DEAL TOKENS).
Every DealJoy cash backs earned by users are paid out almost instantly. Members can withdraw their DEAL tokens to their wallets whenever they please or they can as well trade it for cryptocurrency.
The DealJoy token is a community-driven token which benefits token holders. The model works to lessen the circulating supply and creating buying pressure by repurchasing tokens to be distributed back to the community as commissions. Simply put, the model makes supply lesser, while demand becomes greater when compared to other cashback providers, DealJoy gives the most advantage to users. Users personal data protection is the utmost priority of the company. DealJoy provides users with a blochchain based ecosystem that is transparent and where their privacy is valued and protected.


The DealJoy platform is an all-in-one dashboard which enables users to explore and find the best and most exciting cashback offering vendors. The platform can be accessed through the web or through Andriod and iOS Apps. The Dealjoy platform has the worlds top shopping stores such as AliExpress, Alibaba.com, eBay, etc.and members can go through the virtual catalog of these merchants and seek best deals where they can earn DEAL Tokens a soon as their purchase is confirmed by the vendor which usually does not take much time. It is amazing to note that all purchases made by members are automatically tracked, and commissions will be paid in DEAL tokens as soon as the purchase is confirmed.
The DealJoy platform also takes care of the needs of vendors. Most e-commerce platforms in the world such as Amazon, eBay and AliExpress have implemented an affiliate programme to boost their sales and enhance visibility. So, since the technical affiliate infrastructure already exists in these e-commerce platforms, DealJoy tends to support these websites. So the platform integrates these merchants, while DealJoy community (members) will be able to vote or as well suggest new merchants who perhaps have no affiliate program in store, but whom they (members) will like to receive cash back and deals from. and then DealJoy will get in touch with those merchants to inform them of the community interest. And perhaps bring them on board the DEalJoy platform.

The DealJoy platform will have the Dealfeed area, where products and category-specific deals will be housed for members to benefit from. this makes it easier for members to access current deals as their interest changes daily. Deals in the Dealfeed area are obtained directly from listed vendors and offers even higher cashback rates.

In as much as some members may want to withdraw their DEAL tokens to their personal Ethereum wallets or even exchange accounts, or trade them for other crypto coins, or sell for fiat on external exchanges. Others may want to keep theirs in their DealJoy wallets to use in the platform, sometime in the future. So these users can shop in the Dealshop using their DEAL tokens. They can pay for products, services and also access gift vouchers using their earned DEAL tokens.
DealJoy only pays affiliate commissions for orders that are not returned to the merchant or refunded for being damaged in shipment, lost package, etc. other cashback providers subject their affiliates to a long waiting period. But in DealJoy, the waiting period is 4 weeks from the date of purchase for the affiliate partners to approve and pay out commissions.

In order to reduce the waiting time for payment, DealJoy came up with an innovative solution to enable instant payouts by bringing up an algorithm that analyses and determines expected return rates using advanced data analysis. Another alternative for users who wish to get an instant cashback is by having DealJoy plus membership. Which involves staking, where a member is required to deposit a fixed number of DEAL tokens which is temporarily locked up. But can be withdrawn by the member if he/she wants to give up his/her DealJoy plus membership. DealJoy plus offers users various benefits ranging from higher cashback rates, instant cashback on all orders, premium special deals which result in increased savings and higher payout for the user.

Token symbol: DEAL
Max total supply: 1,400,000,000 DEAL
Token standard: ERC20
Initial rate: 1 ETH = 40,000 DEAL
Tokens for sale: 980,000,000 DEAL (70%)
Soft Cap: $1,700,000.00 USD
Hard Cap: $8,400,000.00 USD

Conclusively, If you ask me, the DealJoy platform is a must have and a must-use. You can earn as you shop and there are no limits. Invest and shop on the DealJoy platform and have a Joyful experience.

For more information on this project, visit the following links:
Website: https://dealjoy.io
White Paper: https://dealjoy.io/files/Dealjoy_Whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dealjoyofficial
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dealjoy

Authored By: Nurfi

Profil : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1926473

ETH Address : 0x683c5B0d35e28D3e4938c815C8f476D7d38e5B2a

KUBITX – Know it. Have it. Secure it

Today the development of trade in the world of crypto very rapidly. Better than before. Previously, there were many significant failures. The root cause is not just reckless and lack of transparency, but the failure of the financial sector to follow innovation.

The lack of transparency in finance in the past is a major cause of the breakdown of market share. This causes the debacle in the crypto world to be paralyzed and hamper not operating for about 8 years. Seeing this, we need a program or platform that can meet and improve the trading cycle in the crypto world.

Blockchain technology with its transparency is the solution to honesty and fairness in terms of trade in the world of crypto. Blockchain enables the exchange of decentralized digital data. The process is completely transparent at all times, transactions can be tracked, can not be changed and can not be broken.

By looking at the problems and solutions above. KUBITX is one of the right solutions to deal with all the challenges and problems that exist in today’s crypto trading. Because this platform is a trade revolution in the world of blockchain based crypto.

What is KuBitX?

KuBitX is one of the most advanced and reliable platforms for cryptocurrency trading, developed in a very user-friendly form, allowing people from all regions and backgrounds to fertilize ideas revolving around Blockchain and cryptocurrency space. Secured wallets within the KuBitX ecosystem exists the mechanisms of KuBitX Trade, KuBitX secure wallets and an extended control panel for regulating activities in the Trade Exchange.

For buyers and sellers.

Being guided even by the most remote people for their inclusion in the crypto-currency market, our goal is to become one of the most diverse markets for customers and sellers worldwide.

Advantages of the KuBitX platform?

High speed.
Our platform is very scalable, ready to accept new features to improve the experience of our users.

Our token is initially based on the Ethereum blockchain. We plan to start our own chain of communal, administrative and managerial activities in developing countries.

Low fees.
Our platform brings competitive trading, which will be cheaper and more convenient using our tokens.

We perform extensive benchmarking with the current platforms, which allows us to take several steps forward, plus our security team came from the best organizations.

As strong believers in equal payment ecosystems, we believe that traditional financial systems will eventually be replaced in part because of the continuous violation of trust, censorship and growing public education.


Industrial problems
There are already many exchanges operating on the Internet, where trading of currency-coded crypto assets is regulated. However, most of them are not very popular because of the many shortcomings that limit opportunities to trade, among them are as follows:

Difficult to master and an unintelligible interface. People who are not connected to a trade, when visiting the exchange can not know how to adjust profiles, sell and buy currency.

It is impossible to buy and sell currency. Most current projects do not support crypto currency exchange directly into the national currency of any country and vice versa. Because users who want to diversify the risk and transfer Fiat to the basement are forced to look for other ways and pay significant commissions for the conversion.

Low security level. On the Internet more than once appeared information about hacking user accounts for trading resources. Attackers gain access not only to funds in trading accounts, but also to personal information of merchants.

Unlike existing exchanges, KubitX offers its customers the following benefits:

High-speed financial transactions. The platform was originally designed in such a way as to have reserves for future scaling. As the system evolves, adding to it new functions, assets and performance tools will not decrease.

Use of blocking technology to ensure trade safety. The new crypto exchange function is based on the use of block technology to store data and transaction history. It completely eliminates hacking of systems, altering personal data and affecting trading results.

Low commission fees for financial transactions. Thanks to the use of internal tokens for settlement among participants, the merchant will be able to downsize because of the minimum commissions normally paid to a centralized banking institution.

High security exchange for crypto currency exchange. The KubitX platform developer is a leading specialist in cyber security and continuously monitors existing platforms for vulnerabilities and removes bottlenecks from their own platform work.

The possibility of replacing some of the existing financial institutions. The project authors believe that when the KubitX project develops, it will be able to replace traditional financial systems that are experiencing problems due to continuous violations of confidence, censorship and user interest in electronic assets.
Minimize risks associated with the performance of operations with crypto currency. Developers propose to use unique data protection technologies and purses with cold storage, which minimizes risks for merchants.

Feature of ICO project
To secure a settlement between a KubitX private trader, an internal KBX token, created on the basis of Ethereum ERC-20 technology, will be used. In the initial sales process of tokens, the authors plan to raise the necessary funds for the final implementation of the project. The number of tokens issued is 500 million. Their retrieval is possible for the ETH crypto currency. At the end of all stages of sales, developers plan to achieve softcards cards in the amount of 10 thousand ETH and 25 thousand ETH hard disk.


score: KBX
Token Type: ERC20 (Ethereum)
decimal: 18
algorithm: Post
Shipping Amount: 500,000,000
Currency received: ETH
Soft cover: 10,000 ETH
Hard Cap: 25,000 ETH

Token distribution:

2% bounty and airdrop
3% consultants
16% public
20% kubitx investment fund
23% founders and team development
36% before public distribution of funds
5% partnerships
7.5% legal
12.5% operations
15% technology
15% promotion marketing
15 reserves 30% liquidity

Detail information:

Website: http://www.kubitx.io/
Technical documentation: https://kubitx.io/KuBitX_Whitepaper_v1.1_En.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kubitx
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kubitx/
Telegram: https://t.me/kubitx_official
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/KubitX

BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1926473
ETH: 0x683c5B0d35e28D3e4938c815C8f476D7d38e5B2a



Here I as the author of the article will explain what it is WPP ENERGY ICO,what is WPP ENERGY ICO?

before you know WPP ENERGY ICO, you should know first what it means ICO so you do not misunderstand this article,

ICO is a fundraiser for building an application related to blockchain technology and implementations such as cryptocurrency, coin, smart contract and smart ledger.The blockchain itself is Technology used many of those digital currencies. That is a little review about ICO hopefully can be understood

WPP ENERGY ICO is GREEN ENERGY TOKEN has been backed by $ millions in projects, This project is very good because it has 3 main Categories that is 1.Government contract, 2.WPP ENERGY’S has two digital platforms is Global green energy platform and WPP Exchange platform, Disruptive Green Energy Technology solution, more details can click this link https://wppenergy.io//aboutwpp.

to join in our sales click the link ( JOIN PRESALE )


WPP HHO Advanced Technologies Convert current contaminating power plants while reducing operating costs.

WPP Mobile’s water-based technology produces 1MW / hr-2.5MW / h when operating without pollution. For use both in the private and public sectors.

Disconnect from the utility company into your own independent HHO Power Supply. Small investment with great returns.

The government power supply project is committed to more than $ 6 billion and is accompanied by a personal purchase agreement.

Blockchain platform that connects buyers and sellers of energy around the world at wholesale prices below.

Exchange Platform which aggregates the various green energy cryptocurrencies in the marketplace.


I think ICO is good to invest in make sure a lot of investors will invest here just look at the value is good too. Do not hesitate to buy WPP token right now.I will provide data on the WPP Token below



Private Sale Price: $0.16

Pre ITO Sale Price: $0.20




Pre-Sale 07/15/2018 1 p.m. — 09/15/2018 1 p.m.

Token Sale 09/22/2018 midnight — 12/22/2018 midnight

Country Switzerland

Financial information

Platform Ethereum

Whitelist /KYCKYC

Token price 0.2 USD

Social Media





WPP ENERGY Bounty Campaign ( https://bitcointalk.org/index.php? topic=4518298)



For complete token information click the link ( TOKEN INFO )



For More Info:



Ann Thread


Thank you for your attention, hopefully with the above article become your reference to invest in WPP ENERGY ICO. I suggest do not hesitate to buy WPP token. Once again I say a lot to meet again with other articles.

AUTHOR: A Sultan Ramadhana

Bitcointalk : Nurfi

Bitcointalk link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1926473

Cryptosouk: The task is to involve in cryptomir at any cost

We continue to talk about Cryptosouk – the project of the crypto exchange, which sets itself ambitious goals. And, as documents show, he knows how to achieve them. Therefore, the time of the second part of the review is about the platform.

Economic miracles happen in our time much more often than in the old days. This is easily explained by the fact that progress does not stand still and every day people invent something new, which later becomes an economic object capable of creating the notorious miracle.

One of these wonders was the crypto currency. From a small digital payment tool on the Internet, it has become a real fashion trend. And already everyone is talking about it, including us. But what they want to create Cryptosouk is something like a poverap for a miracle: if a reactive backpack was picked up in the Subway Surfer of a crypto currency.

Powerful and reasonable advertising – a pledge to promote ideasTo begin with, it is worthwhile to understand that today a very limited number of people use crypto currency. We have already talked about this in the first part of the review and will be able to discuss this phenomenon even longer if such a desire arises. A much more important moment can be called a scenario that will happen if the market develops in the same spirit: every year the circle of users of the crypt will narrow, and in a few years the society will completely lose interest in such currency, leaving in history only a period of time when humanity believed in a free and affordable instrument of payment, over which it itself could have power. As Mr. Freeman in one of his videos: “… the truth is that everyone can release their money.”

Cryptosouk decided not to allow this sequence of events, by launching their platform and, more importantly, their own advertising campaign. They believe that by spreading the information about how simple and convenient the use of the crypto currency can be, they will attract more people interested in the progressive payment instrument, such as the crypto currency, to this market.

In addition to their own advertising, they plan to conduct real crypto-currency lessons, on which they want to raise awareness of the population about “digital gold” and those problems that its application can solve. Thus, they hope to increase interest in the cryptomir not only among those who are related to currency as a means of earning, but also among those who are looking for a worthy analogue to all existing payment systems and tools

Heavy Attack ArtilleryWhat most attracts the user to start working with a particular platform? That’s right, the possibility of obtaining real benefits from use. This is how they thought in Cryptosouk and launched a referral campaign, similar to which there is no in the world.

In fact, referrals can be an incredibly effective step towards the target audience. And if we talk about those who use crypto currency, then those who want to profit from it are incredibly many. But what distinguishes the program that will be launched by the Cryptosouk platform is its conditions maximally deployed towards the user. We will not talk about all of them – better make sure yourself. But, an example of special liberalism can serve as a 50% profit from all transaction commissions referral, as well as absolutely unlimited number of them. There is an impression of a well thought out financial scheme of involvement.

In addition, referral programs in themselves bring good profits to their creators, as you can see in the picture above. Well, if we talk about such an attractive one as Cryptosouk, then there is not even a word left to express how many new people it can bring to the entire crypto-currency world. It is also noteworthy that the referral remuneration comes only from the actions of the referral, and not just from the very fact of registration. This indicates that the user himself will be interested in recruiting either knowingly interested users, or will independently try to arouse their interest. So, Cryptosouk will be maximally spared from inactive users who have been registered only for profit.

This concludes our second part of the review. But this does not mean that this is the end of our story about Cryptosouk, because there is one more in front, where we will describe what the project will entice professionals into their side .

★ Web ★ ANN ★ Whitepaper ★ Twitter ★ Facebook ★ Medium★ Telegram ★ Reddit ★

Authored by Nurfi

Profil link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1926473
ETH : 0x683c5B0d35e28D3e4938c815C8f476D7d38e5B2a

BX.Bet is the Opportunity Market for Betting Community

The rapid expansion of the eSports betting market gave rise to a number of betting operators worldwide. Similarly, prediction markets have grown significantly over the last years. By bringing together these two markets, BX.Bet proposes a decentralized platform where interactions between users will take its form in buying-selling activity, that is, accepting and offering bets.


Becoming a market owner

What sets BX.Bet apart from its competitors is the possibility for each user to create their own markets and receive a return from the market revenue. The whole scope of the newly created public markets will be subdivided into several categories. Listing markets will be preceded with providing a security deposit and voting process on the market. Market owners will be paid for the market performance – an approach that sustains markets offering revenue-raising opportunities as opposed to the approach where all markets are treated equally. That is, BX.Bet is building its system on the premise that performance-related approach can cultivate the right behaviour of its stakeholders.

Winnings distribution
Users receive financial rewards based on their betting and outcome. This relationship will be judged automatically against the performance criteria stored in a smart contract. Performance award will be transferred to the user’s wallet.

Calculating the outcome
The delivery of the performance reward may also occur through the points. For this, points will be calculated for active participations, honest voting and reasonable implementation of the market requirements. Below is an overview of the internal ranking system:

A system of a so-called Superuser voting alongside community voting will take place in parallel. Additionally, two oracle mechanisms referred as centralized and decentralized oracles will be used.


BX.Bet as a betting exchange will allow its users not only to bet, but also to act as a bookmaker. The role of the platform itself is to provide the infrastructure needed for trade. The commission charged will be calculated up to 1% for the market owners and 1% for development and as a platform fee.

BX Application
BX App is designed both for Android and iOS. Though the functionality of the mobile application will be restricted to essential features at the initial stage, its scope will be extended in the future.

ICO Details

Pre-ICO round will start on September 3 and end on September 17, 2018 followed by the public sale starting on October 8 and closing on November 5, 2018.

BX.Bet and traditional bookmakers differ for many elements. To illustrate, BX.Bet will charge considerably lower fees, that normally range between 2,5 and 5%. Alongside traditional betting opportunities BX.Bet will allow every user to become a market owner. That is, BX.Bet will implement a market-maker model. This, in turn, presupposes dynamic patterns with regard to users’ behaviour. An incentive model, which is a bonus allocation will be implemented to bring up the activity. The requirements to be fulfilled are clearly articulated and should maintain the whole ecosystem both with regard to liquidity and financial soundness. Revenues will be derived from the commission charge. Risks will be managed with the dual voting system, an alternative approach is also considered.


Website: https://bx.bet/en
WhitePaper: https://bx.bet/static/files/whitepaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/Gvx5m0lTk2MXpG9AGR1JzQ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BXBET/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BXBETico
Medium: https://medium.com/bxbet
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4641799
Author:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1926473

ETH Address : 0x683c5B0d35e28D3e4938c815C8f476D7d38e5B2a


AligatoCoin! Step by step Guide to participate in ICO

AligatoCoin ICO is currently very successful, Soft Cap reached. Here are quick steps to be followed in order to participate in this trending sale.

Step by Step on participation in AligatoCoin ICO

In this article I will only guide people to buy ALC token with ETH because it’s fast and cheap. Besides ETH, AligatoCoin ICO also accept payment by:

Buying ALC Tokens

After purchasing ETH , it’s time to buy the ALC tokens. You need to create an account with AligatoCoin ICO by signing up at: https://wallet.aligatocoin.io/my-account/

The registration is very simple just fill in Email and password, after successful registration will have the following interface.

Click here

The interface opens as follows. You can see the ALC token information. Choose the amount of ALC Tokens you want to buy.



You need to fill in the verification information and and send ETH to the address requested by ALC, then wait a moment to receive the ALC Tokens.

AligatoCoin ICO which is a very potential current project, offers a very good investment opportunity for investors. Wish you have much ALC Tokens. Good luck!

The author of the article

Bitcointalk username: Nurfi

Bitcointalk url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1926473